Online Safeguarding
protecting children from maltreatment
preventing impairment of children’s health or development
ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
undertaking that role so as to enable those children to have optimum life chances and to enter adulthood successfully.
In the context of an inspection, e-safety may be described as the school’s ability to protect and educate pupils and staff in their use
of technology and to have the appropriate mechanisms to intervene and support any incident where appropriate. The breadth of issues classified within e-safety is considerable, but can be categorised into three areas of risk:
Content: being exposed to illegal, inappropriate or harmful material
Contact: being subjected to harmful online interaction with other users
Conduct: personal online behaviour that increases the likelihood of, or causes, harm.
David Brown HMI 2014
"Thanks again for coming in. In my opinion your hour is one of the best sessions that these kids we are working with can get, as they don’t know the power they have and dangers that they can get into."
Stewart Lamb Tyne and Wear Fire Service
The January 2014 School inspection handbook contains the following text: The behaviour and safety of pupils at the school Inspectors should consider (paragraph 134):
Types, rates and patterns of bullying and the effectiveness of the school’s actions to prevent and tackle all forms of bullying and harassment. This includes cyber-bullying and prejudice-based bullying related to special educational need, sexual orientation, sex, race, religion and belief, gender reassignment or disability.
The school’s success in keeping pupils safe, whether within school or during external activities through, for instance, effective risk assessments, e-safety arrangements, and action taken following any serious safeguarding incident